Customer Feedback
Customer Name:
Please enter customer name
Please enter the valid name
Mobile No:
Please enter registered mobile no
Please enter the valid mobile no
Email Id:
Please enter Email Id
Please enter the valid Email Id
What is the primary reason for Closure of Loan Account?
Foreclosure from own funds
Higher loan Interest rates
Loan amount requirement not fulfilled
Service Issues
Any other reason
Select Primary reason
Enter Any other reason or Comment
In case of Balance transfer where have you shifted your loans
Nationalised Bank
Private Bank
Housing Finance Company
Select where have you shifted your loans
Who recommended the Bank/ HFC to you?
Friend/ Relative
Staff of Bank/ HFC
Sales Agent
Select Who recommended the Bank/ HFC to you
How would you rate Overall Service of IDBI Bank?
Very Good
Select the overall Service of IDBI Bank
Your comments for further improving our services